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Alt Forest

Alt Forest

AlTFOREST WordPress Website design and implementation. Illustrations by Scriberia Altforest.com AltForest is an organisation leading the preservation, regeneration and liberation of the rainforests and the people who live and work in them. The Microfarm enabled...
Mitsubishi Motors France

Mitsubishi Motors France

Mitsubishi Motors Mitsubishi Motors France Design and layout of a one-page scrolling mini-site explaining the benefits of upgrading your petrol car to a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. (PHEV ) For CCUA Mitsubishi Motors France. One page scrolling...


ekiHO ekiHO construit des logements durables. Parfois connue sous le nom d’habitat passif – une norme de construction économe en énergie qui minimise les besoins de chauffage et de refroidissement grâce à une excellente isolation, une construction étanche...
Clean Energy: Redeem

Clean Energy: Redeem

Redeem Redeem is a US company that produces Renewable Natural Gas, a biomass fuel source made from methane.  On a mission to create a healthier planet by eliminating carbon emissions in the transportation and dairy industries. One page scrolling website for Redeem....